Tuesday 2nd of April, 2024

Who knows what I did today, all I did was code and I'm surely not even done yet since I woke up at 2pm. I did a whole lot to the homepage, including finally adding navigation links and a guestbook. I did add some content for the main frame buttons to jump to. The chatbox is now in that frame too so people have a bit more space to breathe while they chat there. The pixel chix home is gonna have something special in it hopefully! I just gotta see how much I can rein my ideas in before they get wildly out of hand and impossible to actually make. This page may never recieve proper navigation but we'll see.

I have no idea what I watched today, I think it was more Kody Co when I wasn't watching Mira's birthday stream for the last 20 minutes I could catch it. I also had some vanilla coke which was the first soft drink I've had in ages and now I'm queasy and gonna lie down for a while. Never let your sparkle fade ~*'*

Monday 1st of April, 2024

I finally made the homepage frame! I think it's lookin cute so far, I have a few fun buttons I plan on using to skip down on the frame page to other parts that aren't viewable. Hopefully it'll look like whole different pages each time amd if not then that's just fine too!

I also rejigged a bunch of the main page. I got rid of the cropped tubes so I can add tubes in on the website itself which will hopefully look more organic. That obviously meant I had to spend time moving everything else on the page but sometimes art is hard.

I watched way too much Kody Co (and smoking tbh) while doing all this so I don't think my brain was truly there for half of it. I will burn an offering at the altar for good fortune and a blessing on my website that it doesn't break in seconds.

Sunday 31st of March, 2024

This isn't actually when I made the website, you can probably see by the fact it says "2022-hopefully forever" on the home page, but it is the first time I've finally made the update page! And actually put an update in it.

Most of today's work was just reworking almost every photo/gif on the homepage, but I also added a music player and created this page as well! I think most of my to-do list is finishing up the home page (incl. the iframe I have to even start with) and creating pages that the home can link others to. We'll see how we go with that though, I may just end up keeping most things to the home page ;)